I offer tailor-made individual make-up classes on a one-to-one basis at the house. Ideally I try to start by showing how to make-up one side of your face and then you do the other. We then compare notes and go back to the drawing board to try again and again as necessary.
I look at all aspects from how to shave properly, to skin preparation, to beard cover, to foundation basics just to get the base correct. Next contouring and colour, eyebrows, eyes cheeks and lips. Then onto breast enhancement and skin effects.
You have to understand the difference between day and night make-up and the variety of styles you can adopt over time. The daytime shopper look is so different from the nigh time Goth style and each has its own tricks!
My aim is to help you improve your understanding of make-up and how to get the best with certain skills and tricks… oh those blasted false eyelashes!